Tag Archives: PLC

New Years, Old Modbus

The New Year is a nostalgic time of year, one that converges with an end-of-year [...]

Ivan in IT and His Paranoia about Cloud Communications

I have a friend named Ivan. Ivan’s from the old country. A really great guy. [...]

EtherNet/IP Big Data Part 2

In my last article, I discussed how to use EtherNet/IP Explicit Messages to transfer large [...]

EtherNet/IP Big Data

Transferring large data sets in EtherNet/IP using Explicit Messaging I keep a big bag next [...]

EtherNet/IP DLL

One of the things I find odd about life is how some of the simplest [...]


History can always be sliced and diced in different ways. The history of the Civil [...]

EtherNet/IP Variations

I have a lot of customers that want EtherNet/IP. But just like buying anything else, [...]

Data Modeling in Industrial Automation

In lots of ways the Industrial Automation business has been pretty unsophisticated for a very [...]

Future of the Factory Floor

I’m hearing a lot of talk about IT protocols and the factory floor. This stems [...]

Stop the Presses

STOP THE PRESSES! Major advancement in automation technology is upon us…Rockwellis introducing a Micrologix processor [...]