Tag Archives: DeviceNet

Have I Lost My Mind?!

I admit that this may sound crazy, but I’ve been known to do and say [...]

The Common Industrial Protocol Top Ten

Everyone loves top ten lists. When I was growing up there was a guy by [...]

Introduction to CAN

Controller Area Networking or CAN is a communications standard with a rather prolific set of [...]

Manufacturing Faces Many and Varied Headaches

It’s a difficult time for manufacturers. Very difficult. If you have a small to medium [...]

ODVA General Meeting October 2018

The ODVA had its annual general meeting in Stone Mountain Georgia on October 10 and [...]

DeviceNet and EtherNet/IP

DeviceNet was a revolutionary technology when it was introduced in 1994. You should realize that [...]

What is Controller Area Networking (CAN)?

CAN or Controller Area Networking was probably one of the first technologies that I learned [...]

What is CIP?

CIP – The Common Industrial Protocol If you pay any attention to Rockwell Automation at [...]

DeviceNet and the Zombie Apocalypse

Many a year ago, in a faraway place, I attended an ODVA conference (Colorado I [...]


I was asked the other day why there are so many factory floor devices using [...]