Tag Archives: BACnet

Industrial and Building Automation: Making This Marriage Work

I have a love/hate relationship with my technology. On one hand, I love that my [...]

BACnet/IP and Allen-Bradley PLC

As our manufacturing plants get more integrated there is often some overlap between the heating [...]

10 Things To Know About BACnet

Even though you might not be in the Building Automation industry, it’s important to have [...]

Building Automation vs. Industrial Automation

If you’re in industrial automation and spend most of your time around machines, you certainly [...]

Modbus and EtherNet/IP

I have an uncle that doesn’t just like to drink, he loves to drink. Most [...]

EtherCAT vs. EtherNet/IP

EtherCAT and EtherNet/IP are both Ethernet application layer protocols designed to move inputs and outputs [...]

The Art of CYA: Useful Troubleshooting Tools

I have an interesting job. I get to talk to people all over North America. [...]

Automation Costs: The 30/10/60 Rule

As the father of a young and growing family the topic of long term maintenance [...]

The World of EtherCAT

I recently taught my first class on EtherCAT. I love teaching. I love it more [...]


I was asked the other day why there are so many factory floor devices using [...]